Saturday, January 19, 2008

Continuing Education - Making Sense of Open Learning

Deanna Mascle - With the multitude of different educational opportunities available, it is easy to get lost in the jargon of distance learning, open learning, and e learning, especially since many of the terms overlap or are very similar.

Essentially open learning means that the student is not restricted by required attendance in a classroom or other meeting place and that to some degree the student can study and learn course material at their own pace. Open learning is a part of many distance learning courses and e learning courses. However, not all distance learning courses and e learning courses are necessarily the same as open learning.

Because many employers prefer specialized degrees and prefer degrees from certain institutions, many students are turning to distance learning to get the best degree for their talents, interests, and job market. It also allows them to complete school work at their own pace without going to an actual class.

Traditionally, distance learning courses have been correspondence based, but increasing use of the internet and other communication technology has created several other types of classroom environments. One popular type of distance learning course may mix elements of traditional classrooms with the benefits of distance learning courses, but it can also be exactly the same as a normal classroom with no teacher physically present in the room. These distance learning courses are referred to as Live Interactive Television. In distance learning courses that use Live Interactive Television, the students meet periodically in a classroom at an appointed time and a teacher is filmed at a separate location, but due to a live feed, students in other locations can participate and interact with the teacher. This allows students in remote areas to take advantage of teachers they normally would not have access to. These classes may meet once a day, once a week, or any other number of appointments throughout the course. With a class such as this, even though it does require a scheduled class time, it can still be considered a type of open learning class if the Live Interactive Television sessions are not the bulk of the class work.

Other distance learning courses that are becoming very popular include e learning courses. E learning courses are courses that are administered over the internet. All the course information is provided online and there are typically no scheduled lectures that require physical attendance, but recorded lectures may be made available online. E-learning is one of the most popular forms of open learning because the only requirement is having an internet connection.

It is easy to find open learning courses that will allow you to take classes and work towards a degree at your own pace. However, open learning does require a lot of discipline since you determine how much time you spend studying.

Learn more about continuing education at

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